Great news folks!
Roxana has three wonderful dates with the public in the next months. First of these is the actual premiere of the film, which will occur at the Moving Pictures Festival in Toronto on November 2nd. The screening and a reception will be held at the gorgeously restored Gladstone Hotel. Since the hotel is also an exhibition space for artists, and since a scene in
Roxana includes a ballroom scene in an art space, it is the ideal location. Be sure to come out on November 2nd at 8pm at the Gladstone Hotel's Ballroom, 1214 Queen Street West. Tickets are $10 at the door, available 30 minutes prior to showtime.

Next up in the new year is
Roxana's international debut at the prestigious FIPA festival in Biarritz, France. Le Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels is held annually to celebrate international television and
Roxana has the added honour of being invited into competition at the festival. Moze has attended in competition in the past, most notably in 2005 with his film,
From Time to Time. It is a wonderful honour to be invited back. Anyone going to be in France in January? (Don't we all wish!)
Finally, we are now able to announce with great excitement that the film will be broadcast Thursday, February 8th at 9 pm on the CBC. The Bravo!FACT and ARTV broadcast dates will be known shortly and as soon as there is news of them I will be sure to post them here.
Roxana the movie is starting to have Roxana the lady's life! Wined and dined in the best of circles - and enjoying every minute. Join in where you can!